- Powerful Hotkey Boot
Below Snippets are for
is the new version of StrokePlus is using C# for scripts.
Google 'C# How to do xxx' to find the help.
Double press backquote(`) to trigger F2
200ms is the best suitable duration for double press
If only pressed for once, original key stroke will be triggered
var duration = 200; var alreadyPressed = sp.GetStoredBool("pressed"); var originalKeyStroke = "`"; if (alreadyPressed) { sp.DeleteAllTimers(); sp.StoreBool("pressed", false); /* The actual events are triggered here */ sp.SendKeys("{F2}"); } else { sp.CreateTimer( "test", duration, -1, String.raw` /* after time out for 200ms, trigger the event here */ sp.SendString(originalKeyStroke); sp.StoreBool("pressed", false); ` ); sp.StoreBool("pressed", true); }
If you want to bind virtual key, you need to set the hotkey unregistered and consume:
sp.SendVKeyDown(vk.LCONTROL); sp.SendVKeyDown(vk.LWIN); sp.SendVKeyDown(vk.RIGHT); sp.SendVKeyUp(vk.LCONTROL); sp.SendVKeyUp(vk.LWIN); sp.SendVKeyUp(vk.RIGHT);
Mind the double backslash
sp.RunProgram('C:\\Path\\FolderA\\FolderB\\VoiceInput.exe', '', 'open', 'normal', true, false, false);
/* var a = sp.GetCurrentMousePoint(); sp.MessageBox(a.X + ',' + a.Y,'getPosition') */ var a = sp.GetCurrentMousePoint(); sp.MouseClick(new Point(939, 245), MouseButtons.Left, true, false); sp.Sleep(86); sp.MouseClick(new Point(939, 245), MouseButtons.Left, false, true); sp.MouseMove(new Point(a.X, a.Y));
This snippet will generate a script and save to clipboard. You can create ANOTHER hotkey with the copied scripts.
var currentMousePoint = sp.GetCurrentMousePoint(); sp.MessageBox(currentMousePoint.X + "," + currentMousePoint.Y, "getPosition"); var mousePoint = currentMousePoint.X + "," + currentMousePoint.Y; var code = String.raw`var a = sp.GetCurrentMousePoint(); sp.MouseClick(new Point(${mousePoint}), MouseButtons.Left, true, false); sp.Sleep(86); sp.MouseClick(new Point(${mousePoint}), MouseButtons.Left, false, true); sp.MouseMove(new Point(a.X, a.Y));`; clip.SetText(code) // Code will be set to clipboard sp.MessageBox(code, "Code Copied to Clipboard");
Macros will be treated as plain string, so use eval()
to trigger them:
function activeDoublePress(actualKey, functionKey) { var duration = 200; var alreadyPressed = sp.GetStoredBool("pressed"); if (alreadyPressed) { sp.DeleteAllTimers(); sp.StoreBool("pressed", false); sp.SendKeys(functionKey); } else { sp.DeleteAllTimers(); sp.CreateTimer( "test", duration, -1, String.raw`sp.SendString('${actualKey}');sp.StoreBool("pressed", false); ); sp.StoreBool("pressed", true); } }
For any hotkey/gesture:
// Usage (Double Press F1 to send Alt+F4): eval(sp.GetMacroScript("Functions", "activeDoublePress")); activeDoublePress(`sp.SendKeys("{F1}")`,`sp.SendModifiedVKeys([vk.LMENU], [vk.F4]); `);
文章标题 | - Powerful Hotkey Boot |
发布日期 | 2021-01-20 |
文章分类 | Tech |
相关标签 | #StrokePlus |