React-Navigation Integration with Redux
{ "dependencies": { "@expo/samples": "2.1.1", "@shoutem/ui": "0.23.6", "expo-asset": "~1.1.0", "expo-constants": "~1.0.2", "expo-file-system": "~1.1.0", "expo-font": "~1.1.0", "na": "0.0.1-dev0", "prop-types": "15.6.2", "react-navigation": "^3.0.9", "react-navigation-redux-helpers": "2.0.9", "react-navigation/NavigationTestUtils": "3.0.9", "react-redux": "6.0.0", "react-test-renderer": "16.7.0", "redux": "4.0.1" } }
import React from 'react'; import { Platform } from 'react-native'; import { createStackNavigator, createBottomTabNavigator, } from 'react-navigation'; import { createStore, applyMiddleware, combineReducers } from 'redux'; import { Provider, connect } from 'react-redux'; import { reduxifyNavigator, createReactNavigationReduxMiddleware, createNavigationReducer, } from 'react-navigation-redux-helpers'; import TabBarIcon from '../components/TabBarIcon'; import HomeScreen from '../screens/HomeScreen'; import ScoresScreen from '../screens/ScoresScreen'; import SearchScreen from '../screens/SearchScreen'; import SettingsScreen from '../screens/SettingsScreen'; import Colors from '../constants/Colors'; import Reducers from '../reducers'; /* const HomeStack = ... const SearchStack = ... const ScoresStack = ... const SettingsStack = ... */ /* Step 1: create a navigation object */ const AppNavigator = createBottomTabNavigator( { SearchStack, HomeStack, ScoresStack, SettingsStack, }, { tabBarOptions: { style: { paddingBottom: 5, }, activeTintColor: Colors.tintColor, }, } ); /* Step 2: prepare reducers */ const navReducer = createNavigationReducer(AppNavigator); const appReducer = combineReducers({ nav: navReducer, // required, handle actions from react-navigation reducers: Reducers, // optional, this is your reducers }); const middleware = createReactNavigationReduxMiddleware( 'root', state => state.nav ); const App = reduxifyNavigator(AppNavigator, 'root'); const mapStateToProps = state => ({ state: state.nav, }); const AppWithNavigationState = connect(mapStateToProps)(App); const store = createStore(appReducer, applyMiddleware(middleware)); /* step 3: create store and wrap with Provider */ class Root extends React.Component { render() { return ( <Provider store={store}> <AppWithNavigationState /> </Provider> ); } } export default () => <Root />;
Then everything for index are done.
const defaultState = { xxx: 123, }; const reducer = (state, actionData) => { let rv = !state ? defaultState : state; console.log(actionData); switch (actionData.type) { /* Action Item Panel */ case 'PANEL_ACTIONITEM_DISPLAY': { return { xxx: + 1, }; } case 'PANEL_ACTIONITEM_FORM_CHANGE': { break; } case 'PANEL_ACTIONNOTE_FORM_CHANGE': { break; } case 'PANEL_ACTIONNOTE_REQUEST': { break; } default: { return rv; } } }; export default reducer;
export const actionItem_ShowEditPanel = () => ({ type: 'PANEL_ACTIONITEM_DISPLAY', });
import React from 'react'; import { ScrollView, StyleSheet, View, TouchableOpacity } from 'react-native'; import { connect } from 'react-redux' import * as actions from '../actions' const mapStateToProps = state => state; const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({ showActionItemEditRow: (action, data) => dispatch(actions.actionItem_ShowEditPanel()), }) class SearchScreen extends React.Component { // hide header from react-navigation static navigationOptions = { title: null, header: null, }; render() { return ( <Screen> <TouchableOpacity onPress={this.props.showActionItemEditRow}> <Row> <Text>123</Text> </Row> </TouchableOpacity> </Screen> ); } } export default connect( mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps )(SearchScreen);
文章标题 | React-Navigation Integration with Redux |
发布日期 | 2019-01-17 |
文章分类 | Tech |
相关标签 | #React #React-Native #JS |