You have attempted to dereference a scalar variable of type class coldfusion.runtime. Array as a structure with members.

一般是将某个数组当做了 struct 来使用了 对于


的 index 应该是数字而不是字符串# The request has exceeded the allowable time limit Tag: CFQUERY



  • If you have access to the administrator, you can increase the timeout periodserver-wide in the Settings page (Timeout requests after n seconds)
  • if you just want to increase the timeout period for that particular page, you can tack on requestTimeout=x (where x is the number of seconds before the page timesout) to the url:
  • Alternatively you can use the tag
<cfsetting requesttimeout="500">

within your code to overide the default setting……

设置为 x 测试无效? 设置为 60000 可用

** 注意单位是 sec 因此一般的 form 提交设置为 120 最多了**

ColdFusion Error - java.lang. NumberFormatException: For input string: "120px"

使用 cfdocument 转换成 PDF 时出现问题 和一些 image 的格式有关 加入一段替换代码后解决问题

<cfset cockpitoutput=REreplace(cockpitoutput,'<img[^>]*>','',"all")>


2016-02-26 11:27:57


2016-06-12 11:35:38


ColdFusion: Error - The start tag must have a matching end tag

很可能是用了 HTML 的注释

Object of type class coldfusion.runtime. Struct cannot be used as an array

格式转换错误 可能是将 struct 放到了 cfloop 的 array 参数中因此报错

ColdFusion - Error: Query Of Queries syntax error. Encountered "INNER.

Error Desc

  • Error: Query Of Queries syntax error. Encountered "INNER.
  • Error: Query Of Queries syntax error. Encountered "JOIN.

一般是因为将 cfquery 的 name 作为了表名, 因此 JOIN 和 INNER JOIN 的时候无法分析出来


使用临时表, CTE 或者变量表, CTE 优先

有时候如果是单个 cfquery 里面报错 试着删除对应的 dbtype="query" 标签