《Clean Architecture A Craftsman Guide to Software Structure and Design》阅读笔记
本文是《Clean Architecture A Craftsman Guide to Software Structure and Design》的阅读笔记, 通过 MindMap 记录, 通过一些方法转换成 markdown, 图片无法显示, 用于未来参考和检阅.
- Clean Architecture
- PART I Introduction
- Chapter 1 What Is Design and Architecture?
- goal of software architecture
- a familiar lie: 「We can clean it up later; we just have to get to market first!」
- making messes is always slower than staying clean
- The only way to go fast, is to go well
- Chapter 2 A Tale of Two Values
- behavior and structure
- Behavior
- Architecture
- Eisenhower』s Matrix
- Fight for the Architecture
- as a software developer, you are a stakeholder.
- If architecture comes last, then the system will become ever more costly to develop, and eventually change will become practically impossible for part or all of the system.
- If that is allowed to happen, it means the software development team did not fight hard enough for what they knew was necessary.
- If architecture comes last, then the system will become ever more costly to develop, and eventually change will become practically impossible for part or all of the system.
- behavior and structure
- Chapter 1 What Is Design and Architecture?
- PART II Starting with the Bricks: Programming Paradigms
- Chapter 3 Paradigm Overview
- Chapter 4 Structured Programming
- Proof
- A Harmful Proclamation
- Functional Decomposition
- No Formal Proofs
- Science to the Rescue
- Tests
- Conclusion
- Chapter 5 Object-Oriented Programming
- three magic words to explain the nature of OO: encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism
- Encapsulation?
- Inheritance?
- Polymorphism?
- 一种传统的系统设计事件工作流
- 依赖反转
- 因为这个原因可以降低类和类之间的依赖,同时解耦
- 同时,因为这个优势使得总监可以进行独立的部署更改以及维护
- 因为这个原因可以降低类和类之间的依赖,同时解耦
- Conclusion
- OO is the ability, through the use of polymorphism, to gain absolute control over every source code dependency in the system.
- The low-level details are relegated to plugin modules that can be deployed and developed independently from the modules that contain high-level policies.
- It allows the architect to create a plugin architecture, in which modules that contain high-level policies are independent of modules that contain low-level details.
- three magic words to explain the nature of OO: encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism
- Chapter 6 Functional Programming
- Immutability and Architecture
- immutability can be practicable, if certain compromises are made
- Segregation of Mutability
- The point is that well-structured applications will be segregated into those components that do not mutate variables and those that do.
- Event Sourcing
- Event sourcing
- As a consequence, our applications are not CRUD; they are just CR
- Event sourcing
- Conclusion
- Immutability and Architecture
- PART III Design Principles
- Chapter 7 SRP: The Single Responsibility Principle
- Symptom 1: Accidental Duplication
- Symptom 2: Merges
- Solutions
- Conclusion
- A module should have one, and only one, reason to change.
- separate the code that different actors depend on
- Chapter 8 OCP: The Open-Closed Principle
- A Thought Experiment
- Directional Control
- Information Hiding
- Conclusion
- Chapter 9 LSP: The Liskov Substitution Principle
- Guiding the Use of Inheritance
- The Square/Rectangle Problem
- LSP and Architecture
- Example LSP Violation
- Conclusion
- Chapter 10 ISP: The Interface Segregation Principle
- ISP and Language
- ISP and Architecture
- Conclusion
- Chapter 11 DIP: The Dependency Inversion Principle
- Stable Abstractions
- Don』t refer to volatile concrete classes. Refer to abstract interfaces instead
- Don』t derive from volatile concrete classes
- Don』t override concrete functions.
- When you override those functions, you do not eliminate those dependencies—indeed, you inherit them.
- Never mention the name of anything concrete and volatile.
- Factories
- Concrete Components
- Conclusion
- Stable Abstractions
- Chapter 7 SRP: The Single Responsibility Principle
- PART IV Component Principles
- Chapter 12 Components
- A Brief History of Components
- Components
- Relocatability
- Linkers
- Conclusion
- A Brief History of Components
- Chapter 13 Component Cohesion
- Summary
- finds a position in that tension triangle that meets the current concerns
- The granule of reuse is the granule of release
- a component should not have multiple reasons to change.
- The Tension Diagram for Component Cohesion
- Conclusion
- Summary
- Chapter 14 Component Coupling
- The Acyclic Dependencies Principle
- 一个环状依赖的例子
- Dependency Inversion Principle
- Create a new component that both Entities and Authorizer depend on
- Top-Down Design
- Dependency Inversion Principle
- 一个环状依赖的例子
- The Stable Dependencies Principle
- The SDP says that the I metric of a component should be larger than the I metrics of the components that it depends on. That is, I metrics should decrease in the direction of dependency.
- 一个典型的关于依赖逐步下降的例子
- 一个典型的违反 SDP 的例子
- 如何打破依赖
- Abstract Components
- 一个典型的关于依赖逐步下降的例子
- The SDP says that the I metric of a component should be larger than the I metrics of the components that it depends on. That is, I metrics should decrease in the direction of dependency.
- The Stable Abstractions Principle
- A component should be as abstract as it is stable.
- Stable Abstractions Principle; SAP
- Distance. D = |A+I–1| . The range of this metric is [0, 1]
- Conclusion
- The Acyclic Dependencies Principle
- Chapter 12 Components
- PART V Architecture
- Chapter 15 What Is Architecture?
- Development
- Deployment
- Operation
- Maintenance
- Keeping Options Open
- maximizes the number of decisions not made
- Device Independence
- Junk Mail
- Physical Addressing
- Conclusion
- First of all, a software architect is a programmer; and continues to be a programmer.
- Software architects may not write as much code as other programmers do, but they continue to engage in programming tasks
- Chapter 16 Independence
- Use Cases
- Operation
- Development
- Deployment
- Leaving Options Open
- Decoupling Layers
- Decoupling Use Cases
- Decoupling Mode
- Independent Develop-ability
- Independent Deployability
- Duplication
- Decoupling Modes (Again)
- Summary
- Source level
- Deployment level
- Service level
- Conclusion
- Chapter 17 Boundaries: Drawing Lines
- A Couple of Sad Stories
- FitNesse
- Which Lines Do You Draw, and When Do You Draw Them?
- What About Input and Output?
- Plugin Architecture
- The Plugin Argument
- Conclusion
- Chapter 18 Boundary Anatomy
- Boundary Crossing
- The Dreaded Monolith
- Deployment Components
- Threads
- Local Processes
- Services
- Conclusion
- Chapter 19 Policy and Level
- Level
- Conclusion
- example
- 更加抽象的依赖图
- example
- Chapter 20 Business Rules
- Entities
- Entity
- The Entity is pure business and nothing else.
- Entity
- Use Cases
- use cases 不应该知道任何 entity 的内容
- 用例和实体对象应该完全隔离 否则最终就会出现一堆逻辑
- Request and Response Models
- Conclusion
- Entities
- Chapter 21 Screaming Architecture
- The Theme of an Architecture
- The Purpose of an Architecture
- But What About the Web?
- Frameworks Are Tools, Not Ways of Life
- Testable Architectures
- Conclusion
- Chapter 22 The Clean Architecture
- The Dependency Rule
- A Typical Scenario
- Conclusion
- clean architecture 的几个要点
- Independent of the UI
- Independent of the database
- Independent of any external agency
- Independent of frameworks
- Testable
- 架构概念图
- Chapter 23 Presenters and Humble Objects
- The Humble Object Pattern
- Humble Object pattern
- 分离易于测试和难于测试的组件
- Humble Object pattern
- Presenters and Views
- Testing and Architecture
- Database Gateways
- Data Mappers
- Service Listeners
- Conclusion
- Chapter 24 Partial Boundaries
- Skip the Last Step
- One-Dimensional Boundaries
- Facades
- Conclusion
- Chapter 25 Layers and Boundaries
- Hunt the Wumpus
- Clean Architecture?
- Crossing the Streams
- Splitting the Streams
- Conclusion
- Chapter 26 The Main Component
- The Ultimate Detail
- Conclusion
- Chapter 27 Services: Great and Small
- Service Architecture?
- Service Benefits?
- The Kitty Problem
- Objects to the Rescue
- Component-Based Services
- Cross-Cutting Concerns
- Conclusion
- Chapter 28 The Test Boundary
- Tests as System Components
- Tests, by their very nature, follow the Dependency Rule; they are very detailed and concrete; and they always depend inward toward the code being tested. In fact, you can think of the tests as the outermost circle in the architecture
- Design for Testability
- Tests that are strongly coupled to the system must change along with the system
- The Testing API
- Conclusion
- Tests as System Components
- Chapter 29 Clean Embedded Architecture
- App-titude Test
- The Target-Hardware Bottleneck
- Conclusion
- Chapter 15 What Is Architecture?
- PART VI Details
- Chapter 30 The Database Is a Detail
- Relational Databases
- Why Are Database Systems So Prevalent?
- What If There Were No Disk?
- Details
- But What about Performance?
- Anecdote
- Conclusion
- Chapter 31 The Web Is a Detail
- The Endless Pendulum
- The Upshot
- Conclusion
- Chapter 32 Frameworks Are Details
- Framework Authors
- Asymmetric Marriage
- The Risks
- The Solution
- I Now Pronounce You …
- Conclusion
- Chapter 33 Case Study: Video Sales
- The Product
- Use Case Analysis
- Component Architecture
- Dependency Management
- Conclusion
- Chapter 34 The Missing Chapter
- Package by Layer
- Package by Feature
- Ports and Adapters
- Package by Component
- The Devil Is in the Implementation Details
- Organization versus Encapsulation
- Other Decoupling Modes
- Conclusion: The Missing Advice
- Chapter 30 The Database Is a Detail
- PART I Introduction