
一本书里面内容较多, 因此分成了多篇 Post, 可以从此处看到相关文章:

ADT | Algebraic data types

注意这里不是指 Abstract data types

  • ADT 也是一种 composite data structure
  • ADT 内可以包含不同类型的多种元素
  • ADT 也需要满足 identity, composability 几个要求

Kinds of ADT

主要提及 ADT 两种主要的形式: PairChoice


其实就是一种 AND 条件, 一个 ADT 中可以包含多个值

const compose2 = (f, g) => (……args) => f(g(……args))
const compose = (……fns) => fns.reduce(compose2)

const Pair = (left, right) =>
    toString: () => `Pair [${left}, ${right}]`

const p = Pair('a', 'b');
console.log(p.toString()); //Pair [a, b]


class BoolTuple2 {
  constructor(a, b) {
    if (typeof a !== "boolean" || typeof b !== "boolean") {
      throw new Error("Bool2Tuple must have exactly two boolean values");
    this.a = a;
    this.b = b;

/* 可轻易的发现 BoolTuple2 最多有四种可能性, 并且只有四种可能性. */
const tt = new BoolTuple2(true, true);
const tf = new BoolTuple2(true, false);
const ft = new BoolTuple2(false, true);
const ff = new BoolTuple2(false, false);


其实就是一种 OR 条件, 可以包含多个不同的值但是在同一种情况下只能用其中一个值.

class BoolOrDigit {
  constructor(val) {
    if (typeof val !== "boolean" && !(val instanceof Digit)) {
      throw new Error("BoolOrDigit can only hold either a boolean or digit");
    if (typeof val === "boolean") {
      this.value = val;
    if (val instanceof Digit) {
      this.value = val.value;

ADT Example - Validation

首先实现一个 Validation 类:

class Validation {
  constructor(value) {
    this.#val = value;
    /* 此处判断是要求必须使用 Validation.Of 进行 init */
    if (![Success.name, Failure.name].includes(new.target.name)) {
      throw new TypeError( 
        `Can't directly instantiate a Validation. Please use constructor Validation.of` 
  get() {
    return this.#val;
  static of(value) {
    return Validation.Success(value);
  static Success(a) {
    return Success.of(a);
  static Failure(error) {
    return Failure.of(error);
  get isSuccess() {
    return false;
  get isFailure() {
    return false;
  getOrElse(defaultVal) {
    return this.isSuccess ? this.#val : defaultVal;
  toString() {
    return `${this.constructor.name} (${this.#val})` ;


class Success extends Validation {
  static of(a) {
    return new Success(a);
  /* Override */
  get isSuccess() {
    return true;

class Failure extends Validation {
  static of(b) {
    return new Failure(b);
  get() {
    /* 对于报错的情况这里直接返回一个 Error */
    throw new TypeError( `Can't extract the value of a Failure` );
  /* Override */
  get isFailure() {
    return true;

最后在方法里面进行判断, 判断放在外部, 最终返回一个 Validation 类型:

const read = (f) =>
    ? Success.of(fs.readFileSync(f))
    : Failure.of( `File ${f} does not exist!` );

read('chain.txt'); // Success(<Buffer>) 
read('foo.txt'); // Failure('File foo.txt does not exist!')

如此一来成功和失败都会得到一个 Validation.

ADT + Functor

Success with Functor

将 Functor 扩展到 Success 里面, 使得返回的结果附带 map 方法:

Object.assign(Success.prototype, Functor);

const countBlocksInFile = (f) =>
countBlocksInFile("foo.txt"); // Success(<number>)

Failure with NoopFunctor

将 Functor 扩展到 Failure 里面, 但和之前不同的是这里的 map 单纯返回一个自身不做任何操作:

const NoopFunctor = {
  /* 如果验证失败的情况下, Functor 就提供一个什么都不做的 map 方法 */
  map() {
    return this;

Object.assign( Failure.prototype, NoopFunctor);

const fromNullable = (value) =>
  value === null ? Failure.of("Expected non-null value") : Success.of(value);

fromNullable("joj").map(toUpper).toString(); // 'Success (JOJ)'

/* 下面这个方法一开始就验证失败, 因此后面的 map 方法其实什么都没有做 */
fromNullable(null).map(toUpper).toString(); // 'Failure (Expected non-null value)'


class Block {
  //…… omitting for brevity
  isValid() {
    const { index: previousBlockIndex, timestamp: previousBlockTimestamp } =

    /* 下面三个方法全部都返回一个 Validation */
    const validateTimestamps = checkTimestamps(previousBlockTimestamp, this);
    const validateIndex = checkIndex(previousBlockIndex, this);
    const validateTampering = checkTampering(this);
    /* 最终通过 Validation 的 isSuccess 方法判断验证是否成功 */
    return (
      validateTimestamps.isSuccess &&
      validateIndex.isSuccess &&

const ledger = new Blockchain();
let block = new Block(ledger.height() + 1, ledger.top.hash, ['some data']);

block = ledger.push(block);
block.isValid(); // true

block.data = ['data compromised']; 
block.isValid(); // false 

ADT + Monad

const Monad = {
  flatMap(f) {
    return this.map(f).get()
  chain(f) {
    return this.flatMap(f)
  bind(f) {
    return this.flatMap(f)
Object.assign(Success.prototype, Monad);

const NoopMonad = {
  flatMap(f) {
    return this;
  chain(f) {
    return this.flatMap(f);
  bind(f) {
    return this.flatMap(f);
Object.assign( Failure.prototype, NoopMonad );

class Block {
  /*  …… */
  isValid() {
    const {
      index: previousBlockIndex,
      timestamp: previousBlockTimestamp
    } = this.#blockchain.lookUp(this.previousHash);

    return Validation.of(this)


Validation ADT in OLOO version

const Validation = {
  init: function (value) {
    this.isSuccess = false;
    this.isFailure = false;
    this.getOrElse = (defaultVal) => (this.isSuccess ? value : defaultVal);
    this.toString = () => `Validation (${value})`;
    this.get = () => value;
    return this;
const Success = Object.create(Validation);
Success.of = function of(value) {
  this.isSuccess = true;
  this.toString = () => `Success (${value})`;
  return this;
const Failure = Object.create(Validation);
Failure.of = function of(errorMsg) {
  this.get = () => throw new TypeError(`Can't extract the value of a Failure`);
  this.toString = () => `Failure (${errorMsg})`;
  return this;


  • Wrapping bare data inside a mappable container provides good encapsulation and immutability.
  • JavaScript provides an object-like façade for its primitive data types that preserves their immutability.
  • Array#{flat, flatMap} are two new APIs that allow you to work with multidimensional arrays in a fluent, composable manner.
  • map and compose have a deep semantic equivalence.
  • An ADT can be classified by how many values it can support (record or choice) and by the level of composability (functor or monad).
  • Functors are objects that implement the map interface. Monads are objects that implement the flatMap interface. Both support a set of mathematically inspired protocols that must be followed.
  • Validation is a composite choice ADT modeling Success and Failure conditions.
  • Whereas compose is used for regular function composition, composeM is used for monadic, higher-kinded composition.
  • By implementing the universal protocols of Functor and Monad, you can integrate your code easily and seamlessly with third-party FP libraries.
  • Use the newly proposed pipeline operator to run sequences of monadic transformations in a fluent manner.