本文于本博客首发,转载请注明 翻译/总结自 You-Dont-Know-JS

This 关键字

function identify() {
    return this.name.toUpperCase();

function speak() {
    var greeting = "Hello, I'm " + identify.call( this );
    console.log( greeting );

var me = {
    name: "Kyle"

var you = {
    name: "Reader"

identify.call( me ); // KYLE
identify.call( you ); // READER

speak.call( me ); // Hello, I'm KYLE
speak.call( you ); // Hello, I'm READER


function identify(context) {
    return context.name.toUpperCase();

function speak(context) {
    var greeting = "Hello, I'm " + identify( context );
    console.log( greeting );

identify( you ); // READER
speak( me ); // Hello, I'm KYLE



function foo(num) {
console.log( "foo: " + num );

// keep track of how many times `foo` is called

foo.count = 0;

var i;

for (i=0; i<10; i++) {
if (i > 5) {
foo( i );
// foo: 6
// foo: 7
// foo: 8
// foo: 9

// how many times was `foo` called?
console.log( foo.count ); // 0 -- WTF?



当然解决这个问题很简单,不要在函数中操作this就是一个 Solution:

function foo(num) {
    console.log( "foo: " + num );

    // keep track of how many times `foo` is called

foo.count = 0;

或者操作一个全局的 count.


function foo(num) {
    console.log( "foo: " + num );

    // keep track of how many times `foo` is called
    // Note: `this` IS actually `foo` now, based on
    // how `foo` is called (see below)

foo.count = 0;

var i;

for (i=0; i<10; i++) {
    if (i > 5) {
        // using `call(……)`, we ensure the `this`
        // points at the function object (`foo`) itself
        foo.call( foo, i );

认为this指向函数的 scope


function foo() {
    var a = 2;
    this.bar(); //还不如不加 this 关键字直接调用\_(:з」∠)\_

function bar() {
    console.log( this.a );

foo(); //undefined



function baz() {
    // call-stack is: `baz`
    // so, our call-site is in the global scope

    console.log( "baz" );
    bar(); // <-- call-site for `bar`

function bar() {
    // call-stack is: `baz` -> `bar`
    // so, our call-site is in `baz`

    console.log( "bar" );
    foo(); // <-- call-site for `foo`

function foo() {
    // call-stack is: `baz` -> `bar` -> `foo`
    // so, our call-site is in `bar`

    console.log( "foo" );

baz(); // <-- call-site for `baz`



  1. 默认绑定

    var a = 10;
    b = 10;
    this.a === a; // true
    this.b === b; // true
    function foo() {
    console.log( this.a );
    var a = 2;
    foo(); // 2
    • 直接定义的变量都属于global object
    • 注意这种绑定在strict mode不生效并且会报Undefined
  2. 隐式绑定

    function foo() {
        console.log( this.a ); //`this.a` is synonymous with `obj.a`.
    var obj = {
        a: 2,
        foo: foo
    obj.foo(); // 2


    function foo() {
        console.log( this.a );
    var obj2 = {
        a: 42,
        foo: foo
    var obj1 = {
        a: 2,
        obj2: obj2
    obj1.obj2.foo(); // 42
  3. 隐式丢失

    function foo() {
        console.log( this.a );
    var obj = {
        a: 2,
        foo: foo
    var bar = obj.foo; // function reference/alias!
    var a = "oops, global"; // `a` also property on global object
    bar(); // "oops, global"
    function foo() {
        console.log( this.a );
    var obj = {
        a: 2,
        foo: foo
    var bar = obj.foo; // function reference/alias!
    var a = "oops, global"; // `a` also property on global object
    bar(); // "oops, global"
    setTimeout( obj.foo, 100 ); // "oops, global"


    function setTimeout(fn,delay) {
    // wait (somehow) for `delay` milliseconds
    fn(); // <-- call-site!
  4. 显式绑定


    function foo() {
        console.log( this.a );
    var obj = {
        a: 2
    foo.call( obj ); // 2

    同时注意如果给this传进原始类型的数据时,对应数据会进行装包(boxing),即转换成对应 Obj (new String(……), new Boolean(……), or new Number(……), respectively)

  5. 强绑定

    function foo() {
        console.log( this.a );
    var obj = {
        a: 2
    var bar = function() {
        foo.call( obj ); // 强行将 obj 传给 this
    bar(); // 2
    setTimeout( bar, 100 ); // 2
    // `bar` hard binds `foo`'s `this` to `obj`
    // so that it cannot be overriden
    bar.call( window ); // 2



  1. 新建立一个 Obj
  2. 将这个 Obj 与原型相连接(见后文详解)
  3. 新建立的 Obj 设置为对应函数的this
  4. 除非函数返回了一些莫名其妙的东西,否则自动返回新建立的元素
function foo(a) {
    this.a = a+1;

var bar = new foo( 2 );
console.log( bar.a ); // 3


  1. new绑定的条件下,那么这是一个全新的 Obj

    var bar = new foo()
  2. 通过call或者apply进行显式绑定,或者使用了bind进行强绑定,那么这就是个显式绑定的 Object

        var bar = foo.call( obj2 )
  3. 通过上下文进行隐式调用,或者是某个对象的 Attr,那么this就是当前上下文

        var bar = obj1.foo()
  4. 否则就是默认绑定了。记住如果是严格模式this=undefined, 否则this=global object

        var bar = foo()




function foo() {
    console.log( this.a );

var a = 2;

foo.call( null ); // 2
function foo(a,b) {
    console.log( "a:" + a + ", b:" + b );

// spreading out array as parameters
foo.apply( null, [2, 3] ); // a:2, b:3

// currying with `bind(……)`
var bar = foo.bind( null, 2 );
bar( 3 ); // a:2, b:3



function foo() {
    console.log( this.a );

var a = 2;
var o = { a: 3, foo: foo };
var p = { a: 4 };

o.foo(); // 3
(p.foo = o.foo)(); // 2



  • non-strict mode模式下:引用global object
  • strict mode模式下:对应引用变成Undefined

语义绑定/Lexical this/ES6

ES6 多了个新玩意:箭头符号

相关的绑定称作"Lexical this"

function foo() {
    // return an arrow function
    return (a) => {
        // `this` here is lexically adopted from `foo()`
        console.log( this.a );

var obj1 = {
    a: 2

var obj2 = {
    a: 3

var bar = foo.call( obj1 ); // 返回值是一个函数,并且函数里面的 this 被绑定到 obj1
bar.call( obj2 ); 
// 输出 2, not 3!

如果是普通函数输出应该是 3 因为this绑定到了obj2



function foo() {
    setTimeout(() => {
        // `this` here is lexically adopted from `foo()`
        console.log( this.a );

var obj = {
    a: 2

foo.call( obj ); // 2


function foo() {
    var self = this; // lexical capture of `this`
    setTimeout( function(){
        console.log( self.a );
    }, 100 );

var obj = {
    a: 2

foo.call( obj ); // 2


  1. Use only lexical scope and forget the false pretense of this-style code.

  2. Embrace this-style mechanisms completely, including using bind(……) where necessary, and try to avoid self = this and arrow-function "lexical this" tricks.


Shadow Copy & Deep Copy

function anotherFunction() { /*……*/ }

var anotherObject = {
    c: true

var anotherArray = [];

var myObject = {
    a: 2,
    b: anotherObject,    // reference, not a copy!
    c: anotherArray,    // another reference!
    d: anotherFunction

anotherArray.push( anotherObject, myObject );


  1. Shadow Copy:那么 a 会直接复制,bcd 会保留对函数的引用
  2. Deep Copy:完全复制 abcd,这样会造成环形引用导致错误

属性标识符 Property Descriptors




"use strict"; //注意必须要在严格模式下才会报错

var myObject = {};

Object.defineProperty( myObject, "a", {
value: 2,
writable: false, // not writable!
configurable: true,
enumerable: true
} );

myObject.a = 3; // TypeError



非严格模式下也会报错, 这是一种无法返回的操作

var myObject = {
a: 2

myObject.a = 3;
myObject.a;                    // 3

Object.defineProperty( myObject, "a", {
value: 4,
writable: true,
configurable: false,    // not configurable!
enumerable: true
} );

myObject.a;                    // 4
myObject.a = 5;
myObject.a;                    // 5

Object.defineProperty( myObject, "a", {
value: 6,
writable: true,
configurable: true,
enumerable: true
} ); // TypeError

并且设置为 false 之后也无法使用delete删除对应的属性

myObject.a;                // 2
delete myObject.a;
myObject.a;                // 2, 上一句上删除失败了

delete用于删除一个是对象的属性, 如果这个属性是某变量的最后一个属性, 那么delete之后就会变成空引用并且对应资源会被回收

但是这玩意不能用于内存回收, 他只是删除了一个属性而已




这不是一个实际的属性, 不过我们有时候需要将一个变量变得永恒不变, 通过下面这些办法:

对象常量 Object Constant


writable:false and configurable:false

var myObject = {};

Object.defineProperty( myObject, "FAVORITE_NUMBER", {
    value: 42,
    writable: false,
    configurable: false
} );
关闭扩充性 Prevent Extensions


var myObject = {
    a: 2

Object.preventExtensions( myObject );

myObject.b = 3;
myObject.b; // undefined
  1. 严格模式下: 报错
  2. 非严格模式: 不报错, 但是修改无效, b 依然等于 2

Object.seal(……) = Object.preventExtensions(……) + configurable:false


var obj = {name: 'John'}

// 密封

// 可以修改已有属性的值
obj.name = 'Backus'
console.log(obj.name) // 'Backus'


Object.freeze(……) = Object.seal(……) + writable:false

var obj = {name: 'John'}

// 密封

// 无法修改已有属性的值
obj.name = 'Backus'
console.log(obj.name) // 'John', 修改失败


这里只强调 ES6 的class的使用方法

基本和多数 OO 语言一样

// unnamed
var Rectangle = class {
  constructor(height, width) {
    this.height = height;
    this.width = width;

// named
var Rectangle = class Rectangle {
  constructor(height, width) {
    this.height = height;
    this.width = width;


class Rectangle {
  constructor(height, width) {
    this.height = height;
    this.width = width;
  get area() {
    return this.calcArea();

  calcArea() {
    return this.height * this.width;

const square = new Rectangle(10, 10);




class Point {
  constructor(x, y) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;

  static distance(a, b) {
    const dx = a.x - b.x;
    const dy = a.y - b.y;

    return Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);

const p1 = new Point(5, 5);
const p2 = new Point(10, 10);

console.log(Point.distance(p1, p2));


class Animal { 
  constructor(name) {
    this.name = name;
  speak() {
    console.log(this.name + ' makes a noise.');

class Dog extends Animal {
  speak() {
    console.log(this.name + ' barks.');

var d = new Dog('Mitzie');


function Animal (name) {
  this.name = name;  

Animal.prototype.speak = function () {
  console.log(this.name + ' makes a noise.');


还有另一种继承方法,使用Object.setPrototypeOf(Dog.prototype, Animal);

var Animal = {
  speak() {
    console.log(this.name + ' makes a noise.');

class Dog {
  constructor(name) {
    this.name = name;

Object.setPrototypeOf(Dog.prototype, Animal);// If you do not do this you will get a TypeError when you invoke speak

var d = new Dog('Mitzie');
d.speak(); //Mitzie makes a noise.


直接用 super 关键字

class Lion extends Cat {
  speak() {
    super.speak(); // 直接用 super 关键字
    console.log(this.name + ' roars.');


ES 不支持多继承,但是可以用mixin的方法伪装一个:

var calculatorMixin = Base => class extends Base {
  calc() { }

var randomizerMixin = Base => class extends Base {
  randomize() { }

class Foo { } //初始化一个类

//将类传入,进行两次扩展,然后扩展到子类 Bar 中,如此就进行了多次扩张类似于多继承
class Bar extends calculatorMixin(randomizerMixin(Foo)) { } 



Setting & Shadowing Properties

var anotherObject = {
    a: 2

var myObject = Object.create( anotherObject );

anotherObject.a; // 2
myObject.a; // 2

anotherObject.hasOwnProperty( "a" ); // true
myObject.hasOwnProperty( "a" ); // false,a 是继承过来的自然返回 false

myObject.a++; // oops, implicit shadowing!

anotherObject.a; // 2
myObject.a; // 3

myObject.hasOwnProperty( "a" ); // true

注意上面如果不给子类自增而直接给父类执行自增,那么子类因为是调用继承的属性因此也会返回 3

  1. 当一个属性在继承链的高层被发现并且可写的话, 那么就会发生 Property Shadowing
  2. 当然如果在高层发现并且不可写, 那么就会设置失败, 并且严格模式下会直接报错
  3. 单原型链上存在一个与这个属性相关的Setter并且一定会调用到这个Setter, 那么这个属性的再次赋值必然会失败


constructor 没啥特别的, 一个类对应的函数就是一个 constructor

但是使用new关键字的时候会调用这个 constructor, 这是唯一一个 constructor 和函数的区别

constructor 和 prototype 的关系

function test() {
    console.log( "Don't mind me!" );

var t = new test(); // output: dont mind me

t.constructor===test; // true
test.prototype.constructor == test; // true

  • 首先new的时候执行了对应的 constructor, 输出
  • t是没有prototype这个属性的, 因为它不是 class 而是 obj
  • test.prototype.constructortest()定义的时候创建的
  • t.constructor也指向同一个test()

另外, 如果将testprototype改为另一个方法, 那么t.constructor也会指向那个新方法

function test() {
    console.log( "Don't mind me!" );

var t1 = new test();
t1.constructor === test; // true

test.prototype = {
    test2: function(){
        console.log( "New" );

var t2 = new test();
t2.constructor === Object; // true
t2.constructor === Object.prototype.constructor; // true 

因为我们将test.prototype转到了一个新的 Obj 上面, 并且修改之后test.prototype.constructor不存在了 ,因此接下来初始化的 Obj 会继承最高层的Object.prototype.constructor

解决这个问题的方法很简单, 在切换这个test.prototype的同时也将 constructor 也赋值过去, 或者直接在新的 prototype 里面放一个constructor的属性

Object.defineProperty( test.prototype, "constructor" , {
    enumerable: false,
    writable: true,
    configurable: true,
    value: test    // point `.constructor` at `test`
} );
t2.constructor === test;// true

Generally, such references should be avoided where possible.

"(Prototypal) Inheritance"


function Foo(name) {
    this.name = name;

Foo.prototype.myName = function() {
    return this.name;

function Bar(name,label) {
    Foo.call( this, name );
    this.label = label;

// here, we make a new `Bar.prototype`
// linked to `Foo.prototype`
Bar.prototype = Object.create( Foo.prototype );

// Beware! Now `Bar.prototype.constructor` is gone,
// and might need to be manually "fixed" if you're
// in the habit of relying on such properties!

Bar.prototype.myLabel = function() {
    return this.label;

var a = new Bar( "a", "obj a" );

a.myName(); // "a"
a.myLabel(); // "obj a"


// doesn't work like you want!
Bar.prototype = Foo.prototype;

// works kinda like you want, but with side-effects you probably don't want :(
Bar.prototype = new Foo();

第一行改变了引用, 因此之后如果希望可以 Bar 进行扩展(比如添加新方法)的时候实际扩展了 Foo 第二行同样使用 Foo 的 constructor 来创建新实例, 但是要注意进行扩展(比如扩展 this)的时候同样会扩展到 Foo

ES6 的扩展

// pre-ES6
// throws away default existing `Bar.prototype`
Bar.prototype = Object.create( Foo.prototype );

// ES6+
// modifies existing `Bar.prototype`
Object.setPrototypeOf( Bar.prototype, Foo.prototype );

类反射 Reflection

前三种方法中: 父类必然是子类实例对应的 class

就是 OOP 里面根据 instance 获取对应 class 的方法:

a instanceof Bar; // true
a instanceof Foo; // true, Bar is inherited from Foo 


function isRelatedTo(o1, o2) {
    function F(){}
    F.prototype = o2;
    return o1 instanceof F; //重点还是和 F 的 prototype 进行匹配, 即使 F 是个空函数


Foo.prototype.isPrototypeOf( a ); // true

简单粗暴的 ES5 的方法:

Object.getPrototypeOf( a ) === Foo.prototype; // false, 如果 Bar 继承于 Foo, 此处依然检测不出来
Object.getPrototypeOf( a ) === Bar.prototype; // true



function Foo() { /* …… */ }

function Bar() { /* …… */ }
Bar.prototype = Object.create( Foo.prototype );

var b1 = new Bar( "b1" );


// relating `Foo` and `Bar` to each other
Bar.prototype instanceof Foo; // true
Object.getPrototypeOf( Bar.prototype ) === Foo.prototype; // true
Foo.prototype.isPrototypeOf( Bar.prototype ); // true

// relating `b1` to both `Foo` and `Bar`
b1 instanceof Foo; // true
b1 instanceof Bar; // true
Object.getPrototypeOf( b1 ) === Bar.prototype; // true
Foo.prototype.isPrototypeOf( b1 ); // true
Bar.prototype.isPrototypeOf( b1 ); // true

使用原始的对象连接 OLOO (objects-linked-to-other-objects)模式来实现上方的代码:

var Foo = { /* …… */ };

var Bar = Object.create( Foo );

var b1 = Object.create( Bar );


// relating `Foo` and `Bar` to each other
Foo.isPrototypeOf( Bar ); // true
Object.getPrototypeOf( Bar ) === Foo; // true

// relating `b1` to both `Foo` and `Bar`
Foo.isPrototypeOf( b1 ); // true
Bar.isPrototypeOf( b1 ); // true
Object.getPrototypeOf( b1 ) === Bar; // true
